Commissioner Corner


Greetings, district 3.

We are getting close to setting our preliminary budget amount and trying to balance needs vs. wants vs. taxes, can be real challenging. I want to thank staff for all they are doing to watch their spending in their departments. With everything going up in price I know how difficult it is to make ends meet. I am concerned about my grandchildren’s future and what kind of money will be needed to support them. I did refile for another term for county commissioner, this is a 4 year term and I cannot believe that I am in my final year of my first term. I want to thank the Goodhue County Fair Board for putting on an amazing fair this year, I sure did enjoy my time at the fair. Another thank you goes out to all the non-profit organizations that are working here in Goodhue County, you are all appreciated so much. A reminder that the school buses are back on the roads and soon so will the combines and farm equipment. Please be cautious and patient while on our roads.

One ask that I have is, if you have any questions that I can help with please contact me. I struggle with social media trying to answer or solve a problem. Social media is a great tool when used responsibly and respectfully. My number is 507-319-9550.