Kenyon City Council Meeting - February 14, 2023


Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a City Council Meeting was duly held in the City Council chambers at 7:00 p.m. on the 14th day of February 2023. The meeting was called to order by Acting Mayor Ryan.

The following members were present: Council Members Kim Helgeson, Lee Sjolander, and Molly Ryan

Via Zoom: Mayor Doug Henke (unable to vote on motions until later in meeting due to no voice connection)

Absent: Mary Bailey

Also, present: City Administrator Mark Vahlsing, Administrative Assistant Holli Gudknecht, Police Chief Jeff Sjoblom, Engineer Derek Olinger, City Attorney Scott Riggs, Officer Brian Homeier, Linda Bean

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.




Motion by Helgeson second by Sjolander to approve the agenda.

Roll Call Vote: Sjolander – Aye, Ryan – Aye, Helgeson - Aye

Motion carried 3-0-0.


Motion by Sjolander second by Ryan to approve the Consent Agenda, which includes payment of check numbers, 74480 through 74577; 4416E through 4471E; 6E through 7E; and temporary pay increase for Deputy Clerk/Administrative Assistant.

Roll Call Vote: Sjolander – Aye, Ryan – Aye, Helgeson - Aye

Motion carried 3-0-0.


School Bus Driver Appreciation Day Proclamation

Acting Mayor Ryan read and signed the “School Bus Driver Appreciation Day” proclamation.


General Project Update

Pearl Creek Sanitary Sewer Improvements

Engineer Olinger stated that the construction plans for the Pearl Creek Sanitary Sewer improvements are complete. The original forcemain route has been modified due to capacity issues, but the change will not increase project costs. Currently, easements with property owners are being worked on.

2023 Street Improvements Summary

City Engineer Olinger reviewed the draft street reconstruction and overlay plan for 2023-2027. A public hearing relating to financing this project with general obligation street reconstruction bonds will need to be held.

Resolution 2023-04: Calling a Public Hearing Relating to Street Reconstruction Plan and the Issuance of Bonds Thereunder

Motion by Helgeson second by Sjolander to adopt Resolution 2023-04.

Roll Call Vote: Sjolander – Aye, Ryan – Aye, Helgeson - Aye

Motion carried 3-0-0.


Nuisance Property Violation – 1 Langford Ave. Update

Attorney Riggs updated the council on the 1 Langford Avenue nuisance. A citation was issued on January 10 to the property owner and arraignment is scheduled for February 23.


Continued discussion on Future of Depot Park

Administrator Vahlsing reviewed an estimate from L&M Construction for improvements to the depot park shelter. There would also need to be a few other improvements made to bring the total costs in the range of $25,000. The Park Board recommended repairing the depot and seeking donations to assist with the cost.


Resolution 2023-03: Establishing Procedures Relating to Compliance with Reimbursement Bond Regulations Under the Internal Revenue Code

Motion by Sjolander second by Ryan to approve Resolution 2023-03 establishing procedures relating to compliance with reimbursement bond regulations under the internal revenue code.

Roll Call Vote: Sjolander – Aye, Ryan – Aye, Helgeson - Aye

Motion carried 3-0-0.

Kenyon PD Body Worn Camera Policy

Chief Sjoblom reviewed the proposed body worn camera policy. The police department is looking at options for the purchase of the cameras.

Motion by Helgeson second by Sjolander to adopt Policy #234 for Kenyon Police Department Body Worn Cameras.

Roll Call Vote: Sjolander – Aye, Ryan – Aye, Helgeson – Aye, Henke - Aye

Motion carried 4-0-0.

Discuss Solid Waste Hauler Agreement

Administrator Vahlsing stated that the current agreement for solid waste hauling will expire June 30, 2023. The contract can either be extended or staff can be authorized to advertise for quotes. The council was in consensus to continue with the current hauler. Vahlsing will contact the current hauler concerning our desire to extend their contract.

Discuss Board of Adjustment Hearing

Administrator Vahlsing stated that the annual Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 20 at 6:00 pm. The City of Kenyon no longer has any trained council members, so the County will conduct an open book meeting instead of this meeting being run by the city. In the future, the council may need to decide if they want to continue with the open book concept.

Jacobson Law office – Request for increase to fees for Criminal Prosecution contract.

Administrator Vahlsing stated that Prosecuting Attorney Jacobson requested a $100 monthly increase to their contract effective January 1, 2023. The annual cost would increase from $12,600 to $13,800.

Motion by Sjolander second by Helgeson to approve a rate increase of $100 per month for Jacobson Law effective January 1, 2023.

Roll Call Vote: Sjolander – Aye, Ryan – Aye, Helgeson – Aye, Henke - Aye

Motion carried 4-0-0.

Schedule of Upcoming Meetings

KMU Meeting: Tuesday, February 21st @ 4:00 p.m.

City Council Meeting: Tuesday, March 14th @ 7 p.m.

Board of Appeal & Equalization: Thursday, April 20th @ 5:00 p.m.



Motion by Helgeson second by Henke to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m.

Roll Call Vote: Henke- Aye, Sjolander – Aye, Ryan – Aye, Helgeson - Aye

Motion carried 4-0-0.

Holli Gudknecht, Administrative Assistant

Molly Ryan, Acting Mayor