SEMCAC Announces Recent Individual Artist Grant Awards


This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through grants from the Minnesota State Arts Board thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

On September 17, 2024, the Board of Directors of the Southeastern Minnesota Arts Council awarded $126,065 in arts programming grants to artists and public schools throughout Southeastern Minnesota. This includes two previously-announced School Residency grants, fourteen Emerging Artist grants and sixteen Advancing Artist grants.

Grants to individuals and schools in Goodhue County:

Goodhue County

Heidi Bacon, Red Wing, received a $5,000 Advancing Artist Grant grant for Paving the Way for Pollinators.

Natasha Roozen, Red Wing, received a $3,000 Emerging Artist Grant grant for Explorations in material culture.

All granted activities must be completed within 12 months, culminating in a public capstone event. Recipients were selected through a competitive process with applications judged on artistic merit and community impact. SEMAC congratulates the award winners and looks forward to celebrating the creativity these grants will bring to southeastern Minnesota.

For more information about SEMAC’s grant programs, visit or contact the office at 507-281-4848.