The Southeast Adult Mental Health Initiative (SE AMHI) will be accepting applications for grant funding from mental health and related service providers starting January 10, 2025, from the following counties: Dodge, Fillmore, Goodhue, Houston, Mower, Olmsted, Steele, Wabasha, Waseca, and Winona Counties. This new Community Grant Fund is supported by an increase in funding for this region from the MN Department of Human Services for the coming years. The SE AMHI and the Community Grant Fund support adults with serious and persistent mental illness and is charged with providing an expanded array of services from which clients can choose services appropriate to their needs.
Applications of $1,000 to $100,000 will be considered with a total amount $200,000 in awards planned for this grant round. The deadline for applications is close of business February 10, 2025 and grant recipients will be announced March 17, 2025 with contracts being completed for award recipients by March 31, 2025. Applications are available via the SE AMHI website at or by contacting Laura Sutherland at or
call at 507-328-6495.
The SE AMHI invites grant applications that address the growing needs of the region’s residents in terms of mental health resources and community supports. Grants will be considered from any nonprofit organization or public agency whose project addresses one on the following priorities:
• Mental Health Services Supported by Individuals with Lived Experience as evidenced by local advisory councils, organizations staffed by individuals with lived experience, peer support specialists, board members with lived experience or other similar experience.
• Mental Health Services that Address Disparities in Mental Health and Target Underserved Populations
• Rural Mental Health Access
• Mental Health Services that Address Those Most In Need As Determined by Social Determinants of Health
• Housing with Supports
About the Southeast MN Adult Mental Health Initiative
The Southeast Adult Mental Health Initiative is a collaborative of 10 counties, community members, organizations such as NAMI SE and Wellness in the Woods and multiple providers all striving to ensure that a range of accessible adult mental health services are available to community members. The region provides a wide range of services including: drop-in centers, permanent and supportive housing providers, intensive residential treatment services programs, a regional crisis center, support groups, trained mental health first aid instructors, and local advisory councils in addition to many providers offering a range of services. For more information, visit