Host Families Needed


Have you considered being a foreign exchange family? Adding foreign exchange students to our school community contributes to our cultural diversity and promotes global awareness and understanding. By welcoming a student from a different country, we expose ourselves to new perspectives, traditions, and languages, enhancing the educational experience for every student.

When I was in high school, my family sponsored a student from Germany, it is an experience I will never forget. Interacting with a foreign exchange student provides us with the opportunity to learn about different cultures, customs, and traditions. This exposure to diverse perspectives fosters tolerance, appreciation, and respect for other cultures, ultimately creating a more inclusive and harmonious school environment. I learned a great deal from the experience.

Additionally, having a foreign exchange student allows us to immerse ourselves in a new language. It provides an authentic and engaging context for language learning, where students can practice speaking and listening skills with a native speaker. This language immersion experience helps develop proficiency and fluency, preparing students for an increasingly globalized world. All students speak fluent English, but what a neat bonus for our kids to be exposed to.

At Kenyon-Wanamingo, foreign exchange students bring a unique global perspective to our classrooms. They can share personal experiences, unique insights, and different educational approaches from their home country. This diversity of perspectives fosters critical thinking, encourages students to question their own assumptions, and can broaden understanding of global issues.

If you are interested in becoming a host family please reach out, Kenyon-Wanamingo is a great place to learn from these students.