Kenyon City Council Meeting - July 12, 2022


Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a City Council Meeting was duly held in the City Council chambers at 7:00 p.m. on the 12th day of July 2022. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Henke.

The following members were present:  Mayor Doug Henke, Council Members Dan Rechtzigel, Molly Ryan, Mary Bailey, and Kim Helgeson

Also, present:  Administrator Mark Vahlsing, Engineer Derek Olinger, Attorney Scott Riggs, Finance Clerk Kathy Flikke, Police Chief Jeff Sjoblom, Administrative Assistant Holli Gudknecht, Doug and Mary Klatt, Scott Quamme, Cora Boelman, and Barney Nesseth

Via Zoom: Michelle Vlasak reporter for Kenyon Leader

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


City Administrator Vahlsing introduced Cora Boelman, the new CEDA representative for the City of Kenyon.


Motion by Rechtzigel, second by Ryan to approve the agenda.

Motion carried 5-0-0.


Motion by Bailey, second by Henke to approve the Consent Agenda, which includes payment of check numbers 73818 through 73912; 4065E through 4112E.

Motion carried 5-0-0.


Public Hearing – Nuisance and Hazardous Property Located at 1 Langford Avenue

Public hearing opened at 7:05 pm.

Attorney Riggs stated that the purpose of this public hearing was to get public input regarding hazardous conditions located at 1 Langford Avenue. Riggs also provided evidence that this property is a nuisance and in violation of City ordinance. No public comment was received.

Motion by Bailey, seconded by Ryan to close the public hearing at 7:07 pm.

Public Hearing – Vacation of the Street Lying Between Block 49 and Block 50, Hewitt’s Addition

Public hearing opened at 7:08 pm.

Attorney Riggs stated that the purpose of this public hearing was to get public input regarding the vacation of the street lying between Block 49 and Block 50, Hewitt’s Addition in Kenyon. There are utilities in this area that the city would retain an easement for. No public comment was received.

Motion by Rechtzigel, seconded by Bailey to close the public hearing at 7:10 pm.


North Street Drainage Improvements

City Engineer Olinger stated that DeCook Drainage will begin work in the next couple of weeks. They will begin by removing trees in preparation of installing the new drainage pipe.

2022 Chip Seal Project

City Engineer Olinger reported that Pearson Brothers have delivered the chip seal rock and plan to start work on July 19. The project will take one to two days to complete.  No parking signs will be posted in the work areas.

Pearl Creek and Forest Street Sanitary Improvements

City Engineer Olinger stated that the sewer televising was delayed several weeks, but Empire Pipe Services should complete the televising tomorrow.  The preliminary design should be ready for the August Council meeting. 

Infrastructure Management/Capital Improvement Plan

City Engineer Olinger stated that the City’s infrastructure management plan and capital improvement plan are being updated. Options of the potential addition of the Trondheim Road Extension will be brought to the August meeting.


Nuisance Property Violation – 1 Langford Avenue

City Attorney Riggs stated that the public hearing was held concerning the nuisance conditions that currently exist at 1 Langford Avenue that are in violation of City Ordinance.  The owner has not taken any steps to correct the condition. Riggs gave options of how to proceed with enforcing the ordinance.

Motion by Rechtzigel second by Helgeson to adopt the findings in fact from the public hearing and the materials in the packet and the council’s decision is that this property constitutes a nuisance and a hazardous condition under city code and the council directs staff and the city attorney to work together to issue the order to abate nuisance.

Motion carried 5-0-0.

Street Vacation Application of Doug Klatt

Attorney Riggs stated that no additional comments were received at the public hearing for the street vacation between Block 49 and Block 50, Hewitt’s addition. Riggs stated an easement will be done for this vacated street.

Resolution 2022-16: Vacating Street Lying Between Block 49 and Block 50, Hewitt’s Addition

Motion by Henke second by Bailey to adopt Resolution 2022-16.  Motion carried 5-0-0.

Resolution 2022-15: Approving Summary Publication of Ordinance No. 99 (Amending Section 845 of City Code)

Attorney Riggs stated that this resolution would allow for the summarized publication of revised Ordinance No. 99, which was approved in June.

Motion by Rechtzigel, second by Helgeson to adopt Resolution 2022-15 approving publication of Ordinance No. 99 by title and summary. Motion carried 5-0-0.




Barney Nesseth – Discuss Downtown Parking

Barney Nesseth discussed the need for additional parking in the downtown area. He will soon be opening a restaurant at 635 2nd Street. The Council was in agreement that 2nd Street needs more parking spaces. Engineer Olinger discussed some of the State Highway requirements and stated that ultimately any changes to the parking on 2nd Street would be up to MNDot and District 6. It was noted that Highway 60 in this area of 2nd Street is scheduled to be reconstructed in 2030. The council recommended passing the downtown parking issue to the EDA.

Resolution 2022-17: Appointing Election Judges for 2022

Motion by Ryan seconded by Helgeson to adopt Resolution 2022-17:  Appointing Election Judges for 2022.

Motion carried 5-0-0. 

Approve Rose Fest Events

Motion by Rechtzigel second by Henke to approve the Rose Fest requests including: Street Dance Permit - Municipal Liquor Store, parade permit, street closures, vendors, 5K run/walk route, and a temporary liquor license to the fire department. Motion carried 5-0-0.

Reschedule August Council Meeting due to Primary Election

Administrator Vahlsing stated that due to the primary election on August 9, the August Council meeting would need to be rescheduled.

Motion by Bailey, seconded by Helgeson to reschedule the August council meeting to Monday, August 15 at 5:00 pm. Motion carried 5-0-0.

Depot Park Liquor Request – Tom Wrolstad, July 23, 2022

Motion by Rechtzigel, second by Ryan to approve the liquor request for Tom Wrolstad in Depot Park. Motion carried 5-0-0. 

Installation of Fiber/Internet Cable from City Hall to Police Department: Jeff Sjoblom

Police Chief Sjoblom stated that the police department had been looking at connecting a direct fiber/internet cable to city hall to enable BCA access. Upon further investigation, it was found that connecting to the BCA would be more involved and costly than just getting a direct line. A direct line would still be useful to connect the police department to city hall’s programs.

Motion by Rechtzigel, seconded by Bailey to direct the City Administrator to get quotes for installation of a fiber/internet cable between city hall and the police department by the August meeting.

Motion carried 5-0-0.

Police Department Fingerprint Charge

Police Chief Sjoblom recommended a charge of $20-30 to do fingerprinting. There is currently no charge for this service.

Motion by Ryan, seconded by Helgeson to authorize the police department to charge a $25 fee to do fingerprinting.  Motion carried 5-0-0.

Schedule of Upcoming Meetings

KMU Meeting:  Thursday, July 19th @ 2:00 p.m.

EDA Meeting: Tuesday, July 26th @ 8:00 a.m.

City Council Meeting:  Monday, August 15 @ 5 p.m.


Councilor Rechtzigel noted that the filing period for city council in coming up and he will be retiring from the council at the end of the year.

Motion by Rechtzigel second by Ryan to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m.

Motion carried 5-0-0.

Holli Gudknecht, Administrative Assistant

Douglas Henke, Mayor